About the School » Amity Intern Program

Amity Intern Program

What is Amity?

Each year, FOM funds support staff for our Dual language program. We provide two types of in-person support: local educational assistants and interns. Interns help reduce the student-teacher ratio, reinforce language learning, and share their cultures with our community. You'll see our interns and assistants working with students, helping with art projects, reading groups, and leading games at recess.
Our interns come from different Spanish speaking countries. All interns are hosted by Micheltorena Friends and Families. We use Amity to recruit our interns. Interns are vetted by our teachers, principal, FOM's intern coordinator, and the sponsoring organizations. Each intern submits to a background check as well.

Amity Interns:

  • Are generally in their university studies or have recently graduated.
  • They are students or recent graduates of institutions of higher education in their home country.
  • Many are involved in the field of languages or are preparing to teach English as a Foreign Language.
  • They often have some experience or have worked with youth.
  • Interns are here to gain teaching skills through their assignments, to represent their language, culture and country, and to share their knowledge and ideas.
  • They want to learn first-hand about American culture and improve their English.
  • An intern’s first obligation is to complete their internship at the Host School.
  • They are also volunteers who are role models, ambassadors of good will, active community participants, and integrated members of their Host Family or school environment.

Benefits of interns in the classroom:

  • Individualized attention to our students
  • Native Spanish language
  • Cultural activities and a sense of being a global citizens

Become a host family:

Each host family provides free room and board in exchange for the teaching intern’s active participation in family life and household chores. (Note: interns are not au pairs or live-in tutors, per the terms of their training plan.)

Requirements to host a Spanish-speaking intern:

  • A private bedroom; a shared bathroom is fine.
  • 3 meals a day (or food for three meals per day; you are not expected to prepare special meals for your intern).
  • An intern can live with multiple families, but each family must host for a minimum of 8 weeks.

Benefits of being a host family:

  • Life-long friendships with people from Spanish-speaking cultures around the world
  • Authentic Spanish language practice in the home
  • New energy and team-mate in the house

How  we support host families and interns:

  • Provide a $1,000 food stipend per semester to host families
  • Organize social activities for interns
  • Help interns get a local cell phone, open a bank account and apply for SSN

Can’t host, but want to help?

There are many ways to help the Interns Program, aside from hosting:
  • Volunteer to take the interns to an outing (hiking, museum, picnic, etc.)
  • Donate tickets to local venues, so the interns can enjoy an activity together
  • Invite the interns to your home for a BBQ or lunch
  • Volunteer to take the interns to run errands
For more information, please email: [email protected]